
What advice would you give to remain focused on the now, without being overwhelmed by the long-road ahead?

It’s easy to forget how far we’ve come when we’re always looking at how far we’ve got to go. Training ourselves to appreciate where we are now and what we can do now, can help keep us on the path.

How do we know when a new habit has been formed and embedded?

According to research by Phillipa Lally and team (University College London, 2009) in the European Journal of Psychology, it takes on average around 66 days for a new habit to be formed and become automatic (not 21 days, a popular misconception)

Things to consider when evaluating if a new habit has been formed:  

·        You are consistent…

·        Performing the behaviour moves you closer to your ideal vision of you or your life...

·        It doesn’t seem hard, or you don't need willpower to do it...

·        It feels weird if you don’t do it...

·        You feel good and proud in doing it...

Video 4